
1 killed and 17 others injured in a bus accident salajhandima READ MORE NEWS

9:15 PM

Rupandehi 30 vaisakha East-West Highway in Rupandehi Bankatti in 7 cases and 1 death in a road accident while 17 others were injured.

 Coming from the east to the west side, Na 5 B 3 9 13 debuted basalai Na 3 Kha 7647 heading the same direction the bus was hit from behind and forwarding pasalai both passengers were among the 18 injured. Butwal, Lumbini Hospital for treatment wedding injured have been undergoing treatment.

 Treatment during this morning at 2 am 1 person has been killed. The deceased has been identified as Lal Bahadur Mahara in Bardiya, 23, said.

3 of the condition is described as serious. All other normal, according to the Area Police Office salajhandile. Both the bus, including control of the police has been a delay information

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