IS the main leader killed Abu vahiba READ MORE NEWS

1:57 AM

Rebellious organization, the Islamic State aiesaviruddhako the activities of US-led coalition forces have helped to further success. IS one of the main leaders have been killed during an air-raidThe US-led coalition forces in Iraq, Anbar province has been killed in an air raid during the IS main leader, Abu vahiba US Pentagon has stated that the Ministry of Defence.

Former member of al-Qaeda are vahiba Iraq. He was killed during the attack on the Pentagon on Friday, Anbar said. Earlier, the news from different times were vahiba, but later proved he was alive.

But this time he really Pentagon officials said they killed. Anbar province vahiba killed while traveling in the city rutba Peter Cook said Pentagon spokesman.

Leader vahibasamga attack other three combatants were also killed. The military chief of Anbar province vahiba for the IS is claimed. Computer science was born in the former Student Corps was established in 1 9 86isis main

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